It’s a great accomplishment for our team to see our clients smile! One of our clients just saved a thousand dollars by being with us.
Louis (not his real name) has been our client for two (2) years now. Annually after his loan settlement, we continue to check his loan’s interest rates.
We reviewed his account and believe that he can get a better deal with his current lender. We called the bank and applied to reduce his rates.
We got him lower and better rates and saved him over $1,000 per year!
We informed Louis about his new loan rates and the amount he has saved, and he was pleased about it! He appreciated our efforts and thanked us for our work.
We do an annual review for all of our clients so Louis got to benefit from our work which saved him over $1,000!
Another happy client!
If you are not getting your loans reviewed or would like to explore better interest rates or deals, and save thousands of dollars, book a call with us.
Note: Client’s name intentionally changed for privacy reasons. Image is for illustration purposes only.